Legal professionals (other than dispute resolution professionals) from outside Hong Kong possessing specialised knowledge of and experience in important or large-scale cross-border transactions, or matters involving mergers and acquisitions, cyber security law, data privacy law, maritime and aviation law, sustainable green finance and legal products, blockchain, bitcoin, crypto assets, virtual currencies, sports law and intellectual property law.
Qualification Requirements
A person of good standing in his/her home jurisdiction in which he/she is qualified to practise law;
He/she is a fit and proper person to be registered as a foreign lawyer in Hong Kong by The Law Society of Hong Kong or employed as in-house counsel of companies in Hong Kong;
He/she has at least 8 years post qualification experience as a legal practitioner in any jurisdiction and holds a current practising certificate in his/her home jurisdiction; and
He/she has 5 years or more specialised experience in (a) cross-border transactions in which his/her home jurisdiction plays the role of investing or host state (e.g. debt and/or equity capital market transactions, ). and cross-border financing); or (b) matters involving mergers and acquisitions, cyber security law, data privacy law, maritime and aviation law, sustainable green finance and legal products, blockchain, bitcoin, crypto assets, virtual currencies, sports law and intellectual property law. Relevant experience should be supported by documents, such as a copy of the appointment/engagement letters or other documents showing the nature and level of complexity of the transaction(s)/matter(s) involved, the scope of services/advice provided by the applicant in the relevant transaction(s)/matter(s), issues in dispute involved, etc.